Posts Tagged ‘life’

HaShem’s Emuna

I just got my monthly treasure in the mail from Breslev Israel. It was the small booklet, Outpouring Of The Soul by Rabbi Nachman translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.

As usual with all my Jewish books in the introduction there is as much wealth as in the rest of the book. In the Translator’s Introduction he is talking about the issue of Jewish meditation and prayer, he brings up the point how the Amidah can be used and was a meditative set of prayers.

The Amidah is chocked full of wisdom and amazing revelations of Hashem. The second prayer of the Amidah, Gibor HaShem, is one of my favorites, if having a favorite is appropriate.

There is one part of this prayer or statement of the greatness of HaShem that makes me shout every time I read it or even ponder on it.

As I learn from Rabbi Kaplan, I can see now how meditative the Amidah really is. So let’s look at one statement in the second prayer and let this be our meditative point.

“and Who maintains His faith to those asleep in the dust.”

Here is an aspect of eternal life that is so amazing and it is a declaration of the, might and strength of HaShem.

Over the past 4 or 5 years I have replaced the English word, faith, with the Hebrew word, emuna – for when one grasps what emuna is then the English word is no longer fitting.

Here in this prayer we have the word, Emunasoy/ His Emuna

Emuna is more about knowledge than it is about belief. Belief has an element of doubt attached to it whereas knowledge is concrete an factual dispelling any doubt. As long as you only believe in something there is always the opportunity to doubt it but when cold hard facts are on the table then there is no doubt to its substance.

With this being said let’s look at this again, Emunasoy, HaShem’s emuna to those who are asleep in the dust.

He is a G-d without change and is rock solid, He has full knowledge of His plans for those who love Him and serve Him and the grave does not stop His plans for them. He maintains His emuna with those in the grave – come on how awesome is that

Meditate on the fact that HaShem has emuna toward us.

What a powerful point to meditate on.

How does this strengthen your tefillah – your connection with Him?

Today as we meditate on HaShem’s emuna let it build up your emuna toward Him.

Let’s go and breathe new life into the Amidah as it becomes not only a daily prayer but our daily meditation.

Atah gibor la-oy-lam HaShem – You are mighty, eternally, Our Master

Emunasoy – His emuna, His might, His Strength.

I think I hear you shouting now with me.

Terry W. Hayes